Photo of light streaming through oak trees on the uptown campus
Survival to Renewal
Tulane University


On December 8, 2005, the Board of Tulane approved a renewal plan, a series of strategic and financial initiatives that would guide Tulane University’s recovery in a post-Hurricane Katrina environment.  To support the Renewal Plan's initiatives for enhancing and improving the undergraduate experience at Tulane, the Board appointed the Newcomb-Tulane Task Force with a charge of recommending how best to use the Newcomb and Tulane names and endowments. The Task Force’s work has included ensuring that both Josephine Louise Newcomb's generosity and founding vision of advancing women's education and the founding vision for Paul Tulane College will have substantial roles in the future of the university.   In its deliberations, the Task Force has sought also to preserve the spirit and community as manifest in both Newcomb College and Tulane College and has benefited from the thoughtful comments and suggestions of members of these communities.  In fulfillment of this charge, the Newcomb-Tulane Task Force makes the following recommendations to the Board of Tulane for the use of the Newcomb and Tulane names and endowments:

Committee Recommendations

1.   As described in the Renewal Plan, the Undergraduate College will be the centerpiece of Tulane University and the home to all full-time undergraduate students across the university.  The Task Force recognizes the important historic roles that both H. Sophie Newcomb Memorial College and Paul Tulane College have played in the development of Tulane University and the new Undergraduate College, and the profound effect that these colleges have had on generations of undergraduates who have come to the university to study the liberal arts and sciences.  It is in recognition of the missions, histories, and values of these colleges that the Task Force recommends naming the newly created Undergraduate College the Newcomb-Tulane College. 

In further recognition of the important legacies of H. Sophie Newcomb Memorial College and Paul Tulane College, the Task Force also recommends that diplomas awarded to all undergraduates of the Newcomb-Tulane College graduating after July 1, 2006, include the following language:  “In honor of H. Sophie Newcomb and Paul Tulane.”  In addition, the Task Force supports the administration’s recommendation that Newcomb College and Tulane College students enrolled in these colleges as of March 16, 2006, and who request diplomas reflecting their affiliation with the colleges should have their request granted.

2.   The Task Force recommends the establishment of the H. Sophie Newcomb Memorial College Institute, an academic center that draws womenstudents and all faculties from across the university in a dynamic, interdisciplinary program designed to enhance women’s education at the university and that also carries forward proudly the legacy and spirit of Newcomb College and the strong and vibrant Newcomb community.  The Task Force also recommends that The Newcomb College Institute be headed by an Executive Director and that the Executive Director report directly to the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost.   In addition, the Executive Director will be the holder of the Newcomb College Endowed Chair, an appointment which will coincide with service as the Executive Director of The Newcomb College Institute.  

It is recommended further that The Newcomb College Institute encompass the following units:  (1) a student program office, providing undergraduate women students with programs, tools, and experiences to enhance leadership and scholarship; (2) the Newcomb Fellows Program, which will be enhanced to complement the curriculum set forth in the Newcomb-Tulane College and in other Schools as appropriate; and (3) the Newcomb College Center for Research on Women, which shall continue to serve as a research center while developing a closer link to both the student programming offered through The Newcomb College Institute and the Women’s Studies Program. 

The Task Force also recommends that women undergraduates who complete a program, course of study, or activity designated by a faculty committee through The Newcomb College Institute will be known as Newcomb Scholars.  Participation and accomplishment in such programs of The Newcomb College Institute will be noted on the student transcript and recognized by the awarding of a certificate.  The Task Force also supports the administration’s recommendation that at graduation the student will be recognized by wearing a special sash or cord.   In addition, the Task Force recommends that The Newcomb College Institute oversee awards and prizes currently awarded by Newcomb College which are not associated with an academic department or academic achievement.

3.   The Task Force recommends that all endowments of Newcomb College and Tulane College, and any additions made to these endowments, continue to support those programs and purposes for which they were originally established.

Specifically, because of Newcomb College’s unique origin and history within Tulane University, it is recommended that The Newcomb College Institute and its activities be supported by the income derived from the Newcomb unrestricted endowments, i.e., Newcomb College Programs, 1886 H. Sophie Newcomb Memorial Fund, Nancy Reeves Dreux Chair in Women’s Studies Fund, the 1909 Newcomb General Endowment Fund, and the other endowment funds with unrestricted income. In addition, the income from the endowed funds known as “The Newcomb Foundation” and “The Newcomb Endowment” and other appropriate donor-restricted funds shall be allocated for use through The Newcomb College Institute in accordance with the terms of any and all gifts. 

Income from these endowment funds shall be overseen by an Advisory Board of Trustees, known as the Newcomb Foundation Board, who will provide guidance and advice to the Executive Director as to the allocation of these funds.  The Newcomb Foundation Board shall have the following voting members with two-year renewable terms:  (1) a Chair, who will be appointedby the Chair of The Administrators of the Tulane Educational Fund from among the members of the Board who are alumnae of Newcomb College or the Newcomb-Tulane College; (2) thePresident of the Newcomb Alumnae Association, or her designee; (3) the Dean of the Newcomb-Tulane College, or his/her designee; (4) a member appointed by the President of the University; (5) a faculty member appointed by the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost in consultation with the Executive Director; and (6) a student member appointed by the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost in consultation with the Executive Director.  The Executive Director will serve as ex-officio member of the Newcomb Foundation Board and will also be a voting member.

To carry forward the spirit and community manifest in Paul Tulane College, the Task Force recommends that the endowments of Paul Tulane College continue to fund programming as set forth in any deed of gift.   In addition, it is recommended that the awards and prizes currently awarded by Tulane College which are not associated with an academic department or academic achievement continue to be administered through the Newcomb-Tulane College to outstanding students who meet the requirements.

4.   The Task Force recommends that the Newcomb Dean’s Residence physically house The H. Sophie Newcomb Memorial College Institute, and be utilized to provide a focal point for alumnae of the historic Newcomb College as well as women students of Tulane University to engage with each other in academic and co-curricular pursuits.  The Task Force envisions that the Newcomb Dean’s Residence will become an important home for the continued development of alumnae-student interaction and mentoring and the celebration of the highly valued traditions and history of Newcomb College.

5.   The Task Force recommends that Cudd Hall continue as the center for undergraduate student activity and that it house the administrative offices of the Newcomb-Tulane College. The Task Force envisions that Cudd Hall will maintain its link to the historic identity of Paul Tulane College, while becoming the key place for the enhancement of the undergraduate experience, increased opportunities for informal faculty-student interaction, and the development of new traditions and symbols for the Newcomb-Tulane College.

6.   The Task Force supports the administration’s recommendation that the Newcomb Alumnae Association extend membership on a go-forward basis to women graduates of the Newcomb-Tulane College, and that the Tulane Alumni Association extend membership on a go-forward basis to all graduates of the Newcomb-Tulane College.  The Task Force also suggests that the Newcomb Alumnae Office and Association be housed at The Newcomb College Institute if there is adequate space.   It is also suggested that, as long as the Newcomb Alumnae Office and Association receive support from any Newcomb endowment funds not restricted to supporting the Association, the Office report jointly to the Executive Director of Alumni Affairs for the University and the Executive Director of The Newcomb College Institute.

7.   The Task Force supports the administration’s recommendation that the Newcomb Art Gallery maintain its close ties to the relevant academic units across the university and report directly to the Dean of the School of Liberal Arts.  It is also suggested that, as long as the Newcomb Art Gallery receives support from any Newcomb endowment funds not restricted to the art gallery, an annual report be submitted to the Newcomb Foundation on the activities supported by those funds

8.   The Task Force supports the administration’s recommendation that the Newcomb Children’s Center, including the Newcomb Nursery School and the Newcomb Child Care Center, report through central administration like the other children’s/day care services offered by the university.  The Task Force suggests that the Newcomb Nursery School retain its lab school focus and continue to work closely with the Department of Psychology.  It is also suggested that the reporting structure of the Newcomb Children’s Center be reviewed again in two years to determine its optimal placement in the Tulane organizational structure.  In addition, it is recommended that any endowments of Newcomb College designated to support the Newcomb Children’s Center continue as set forth in any deed of gift.

9.   The Task Force supports the administration’s intentions to develop a single-sex residential college in Josephine Louise House.  It is envisioned that this residential community would reinforce the university’s commitment to women’s education through special programming housed in the Josephine Louise House and coordinated by the Newcomb-Tulane College and The Newcomb College Institute.

10. The Task Force reaffirms the continued designation as the Newcomb Campus the area generally bounded by Broadway, Zimple Street, Newcomb Place and Plum Street, the buildings thereon, and the Newcomb Dean’s Residence, Warren House, and Caroline Richardson Hall.  All buildings and departments that currently bear the Newcomb name shall continue to do so.